Tuesday, December 31, 2013


    My friend Mary Foshee and I have have been brainstorming about combining projection and dance, possibly for Light Dreams, but also thinking of a potential independent Stage Show somewhere else. 
  Rather than starting yet a new blog, this blog seems as good a place as any to develop and post our ideas.
  We took the projector into the dance studio the other day, and played with projected patterns on a white leotard. I shot some basic video of some of our tests with my little camera, which isn't very good, but nevertheless shows what we tried:
  With Chrismas right around the corner, it will be early January before we work on it again. I have yet to meet her friend Amanda Miller, a Dancer and Choreographer whom she holds in high regard, and hope she will be interested in joining us in our Video/Dance explorations.
  Also, Mary, Randy and I have registered for the "Live Performance and Video Technology" Workshop with Bridgman-Packer taking place mid January as a part of the Alabama Dance Festival. They have been for years at the forefront of meshing video and dance in very creative ways, and I am sure we will greatly benefit from sharing in their experience.

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