Tuesday, July 23, 2013


    Well, I have not posted on this blog for a while because I have been posting on another blog devoted specifically to 3D VIDEO
  Waiting for the powers to be at Alys Stephens to return from their summer vacations and decide what they want to do next year, I have been working both on the "SCAENA LUMINARIA" concept of a Stage Show, and on the idea of a FULL 3D ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION. If we are going to try to better last year's LUX SOMNIA 2013, I feel 3D is the way to go for 2014. The new blog should bring you fully up to date on my 3D experiments, but for the lazy ones. I will sum it up here.
   Until now, After Effects CS6 has allowed me to move 2D objects in a 3D space, but not to create or import real 3D objects except for basic boxes. The new Cloud version After Effects CC includes a Lite version of Cinema 4D, and a new Cineware plugin which should allow me to use and create real 3D objects other than boxes. I have been trying to figure out how to use it for a few days, but am having a hard time figuring out how to use this very "nerdy" and counterintuitive interface. I will get it eventually!
   Besides 3D objects, I would like to incorporate 3D video footage, so I bought a little Toshiba Camileo Z100 3D camera to experiment with. It works quite well, but I am still having problems removing the green screen, which I hope to work out eventually.
  I have been experimenting with the existing footage created for Lux Somnia using the virtual stereo rig in After Effects, and getting very impressive results in 3D both on my big screen ACTIVE 3D TV(using expensive shutter glasses), and on a PASSIVE 3D LG Computer Monitor(using relatively cheap polarized glasses like you get at the movies). My hope is that the big 10K Projectors we used last year are 3D capable, and that we can do the next show in full scale 3D on the building. Now THAT would be exciting, and AS FAR AS I KNOW, IT HAS NOT BEEN DONE YET...


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