Sunday, July 19, 2015

Post 39: A Mini Practice Stage

    The main problem we have been dealing with is finding a rehearsal space and setting up our stuff temporarily for practice. It is exhausting to lug everything down to CDF, set up, practice a few hours, and then take everything down and lug it back home. It is also a problem to coordinate with the dancers, and every time I unplug my computer and replug everything somewhere, there seems to be problems getting things running properly again.
   SO, I decided to clear the big table in my studio where the Frida miniature set had been set up for months, and use it as a permanent "Mini Rehearsal and Practice Space". To limit the movements of the dancer, I built a box, more like a deep square frame 48" x 48" x 24" out of left over 2x4'S and two sheets of 1/4" Plywood:

    The "box" will be painted black inside out, with the edge painted green on one side and white on the other. The live video camera is set back just enough to fill the frame vertically.
   I attached two vertical pieces of conduit to my desks about 48" apart, and mounted a 2x4 beam 10 ft up to hold can lights and a RGB LED Wide Flood. Two more 2x4's 7ft and 8ft up hold my old 55" Panasonic Monitor facing the "stage", so the dancer can see exactly what she is doing live:

   Mary and I immediately discovered that because of it's hollow construction,"the box" is actually also a percussion instrument, which adds interesting possibilities.I got some sticks and mallets to experiment with.
   I also extended the stage/table a couple of feet in width, and may possibly extend it also a foot or so in depth.

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