Sunday, March 16, 2014

Post 28: Building a Portable Set

    I have been very busy with Light Dreams, but since we are going to do a "Virtual Clones" mini impro show and interactive display with Mary at Light Dreams, I am working on that too. Time is limited, so we will not try to come up with a real show, but rather keep things loose with demonstrations, explanations, and interactivity. Anybody will be welcome to crawl on the floor under the overhead camera.
  As usual, I am taking on more than I could reasonably chew, by also moving "The Gate" to the entrance of the parking lot, and creating several totally new animated sequences to play on it. I may rename it "Palladian Dreams"
  So I have been working on a set we can erect in the parking lot as the "Virtual Clones" Point of light, and looking for a rehearsal space. I have ordered 120" wide ivory and black polyester poplin to box our internal "stage", made 12 ft stands to hold them up, made sturdy steel brackets to hold the plywood sheets up. I have ordered a Mitsubishi WD380U Ultra Short Throw Projector:

  But I am already moving ahead thinking of our Scaena Luminaria Project, and designing the set so it can be expanded and modified later to become our basic adaptable free standing self sufficient set:

   I want to be able to take it to small theaters, clubs, school gymnasiums, outdoors, requiring nothing but a plug.

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