Tuesday, December 31, 2013


    My friend Mary Foshee and I have have been brainstorming about combining projection and dance, possibly for Light Dreams, but also thinking of a potential independent Stage Show somewhere else. 
  Rather than starting yet a new blog, this blog seems as good a place as any to develop and post our ideas.
  We took the projector into the dance studio the other day, and played with projected patterns on a white leotard. I shot some basic video of some of our tests with my little camera, which isn't very good, but nevertheless shows what we tried:
  With Chrismas right around the corner, it will be early January before we work on it again. I have yet to meet her friend Amanda Miller, a Dancer and Choreographer whom she holds in high regard, and hope she will be interested in joining us in our Video/Dance explorations.
  Also, Mary, Randy and I have registered for the "Live Performance and Video Technology" Workshop with Bridgman-Packer taking place mid January as a part of the Alabama Dance Festival. They have been for years at the forefront of meshing video and dance in very creative ways, and I am sure we will greatly benefit from sharing in their experience.


  Well, the decision was made to keep Light Dreams all outside the same as last year, and that may be next year if everything is right I would get to do something inside…
  That puts an effective stop on this blog for the moment, and I am starting a new blog about the preparation of "Light Dreams 2013":

   I will hopefully come back to this next year...