Saturday, June 22, 2013


    For the sake of efficiency and to cut down on the workload, I would like the same white costumes to be used in four different ways:
       1. With black light:

       2. With built in LED's:

       3. As shadows:

       4. Projected on:

     The first three are relatively easy to implement, the hard one is the fourth, projecting an image on a moving dancer. That will require not only mapping an image to the body, but doing it as the body changes shape and moves in 3D space, which will be quite a technical challenge. I can sort of envision the way to do it, but will definitely need technical help to make it work.  
      We will need an infrared camera to record the movement and body shape, feed that live video in the computer, process it on the fly applying colors and patterns, and project those back onto the dancer as it moves, with as little latency as possible. Live body mapping, sounds simple enough... May be with Mike's help...
    The best way may be to use the KINECT. This is what the Kinect actually sees, both a normal image and an Infra Red view:

     An interesting feature is the "Point Cloud" 3D view that can be moved in space:

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